Spring '23 Recap
This semester was unforgettable and full of fun events, academic achievements, volunteering at Helping Hand Home, and more! We can’t wait...

What Texas Alpha Xi is up to This Spring ~Sisterhood Edition~
1. Farmers’ Markets Farmer’s markets are the perfect place to find unique gifts while spending time with sisters and supporting small...

Bringing home the 2022 Fall Membership Class!
The Beta Alpha chapter of Alpha Xi Delta at the University of Texas at Austin worked hard this August, set on welcoming an amazing 2022...

Member Spotlight: Daily Texan Writer Christina Huang
Christina Huang, MC ’20, is a Daily Texan sports writer at the University of Texas at Austin, as well as an amazing sister and member of...

Introducing Family to Family: Fall ‘21 Parents’ Weekend Plans
With Parents’ Weekend coming on November 12th, new members and active members alike are excited to bring their families to Austin to...