Big Little Duos: Part 2
Name: Hannah Przybilla Little: Mary Franklin How We Met: I knew instantly when I met Mary that I wanted her as my little. She has such a contagious smile and is the type of person who makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside with all her bear hugs! My Favorite Personality Trait About Mary Is: Her sense of humor and patience If Mary was a Movie Character She Would Be: Rapunzel from Tangled Her Favorite Food Is: Fried cheese from Pluckers One of My Favorite Memories Together Is: Initiation night when I was extra and tucked her into bed during the chapter sleepover! Mary’s Go To Outfit Is: Anything that involves dressing cuter than me! She always has amazing taste. “In Ten Years I See My Little As…”: A successful lawyer making meaningful changes in society!
Name: Mary Franklin
Big: Hannah Przybilla
How We Met: We went to a yoga sisterhood event together and I instantly knew that she was the one for me! She is kind, witty, hilarious, encouraging and all around the most beautiful person inside and out!
My Favorite Personality Trait About Hannah Is: Her big heart! She is so genuine, caring and fiercely protective. She would not hesitate to walk across the desert for a sister (and might have come pretty close a time or two).
Hannah’s Celebrity Crush Is: Does her amazing fiance Ryan count?? He’s pretty much a celebrity at Alpha Xi Delta for managing to snag a girl like her!
She Could Spend All Day: Watching Gossip Girl, drinking coffee and laying in bed.
My Favorite Activity To Do Together Is: EAT! She always knows the best places.
If Hannah was on a deserted island she would take these three things: Diet Coke, her cat Fiona and probably more Diet Coke!
Something That Makes Me Proud About Hannah: This year Hannah organized the first annual “Corgis for a Cause” philanthropy event. We raised over $400 in just three hours for our philanthropy, Autism Speaks! It was a super fun way to raise awareness and money… plus who doesn’t love corgis??

Name: Morgan Nix
Little: Kat Donovan
How We Met: I met her on Pref Night during recruitment and we instantly clicked because of how similar we are!
My Favorite Personality Trait About Kat Is: Her ability to make anyone laugh even when they’re feeling down!
If Kat was a Movie Character She Would Be: A minion, of course!
My Little’s Favorite Food Is: El Mercado (specifically on Thursday’s at 7pm with me)
My Favorite Activity To Do Together Is: Binge watching Jersey Shore.
Her Go To Outfit Is: A big T-shirt and shorts obviously... thanks Alpha Xi!
One of My Little’s Talents Is: Basketball! But also her ability to talk to anybody! She brings in such a positive energy and has everyone laughing and smiling in minutes! Kat has the best outlook on life and I really look up to her for it!
Name: Kat Donovan Big: Morgan Nix How We Met: Pref night! We really connected with our similar experiences of transferring to UT our sophomore year and playing in college athletics. From then on, I knew she was my girl! My Favorite Personality Trait About Morgan Is: Her goofiness A Reality TV Show Morgan Would Be On: Wipeout! Talk about entertainment! She Could Spend All Her Money On: Grinch-themed anything and everything One of My Favorite Memories Together Is: When we drove downtown on a Monday night for her 21st birthday solely to grab Roppolo's pizza! One of Morgan’s Talents Is: Liking to run! She runs super long distances for fun all the time! Something That Makes Me Proud About Morgan: This summer Morgan spent seven weeks in Italy for a marketing internship program. She got to live her best life, eat her favorite food (pizza) all the time and gained useful business knowledge to help with one day opening her own physical therapy clinic!

Name: Ava Gates
Little: Ryan Coffman
How We Met: I met Ryan on Philanthropy Day during recruitment and thought she was so smart and genuine! On Bid Day, I knew I wanted Ryan as my little after she ate cereal at night as a snack and carried around a purple balloon the whole time. She was, and still is, so easy going and fun to be around!
My Favorite Personality Trait About Ryan Is: Her ability to have fun in any situation. We can study together for hours and then turn around and have a blast at Formal!
A Reality TV Show Ryan Would Be On: The Real Housewives because she would make the funniest comments!
She Could Spend All Her Money On: Kerbey Lane Queso
One of My Favorite Memories Together Is: The night before the Autism Speaks Walk, we stayed up too late talking and laughing and managed to only sleep for an hour. I love how even though we were exhausted, we still got up and worked hard for something we really cared about! It showed me a lot about Ryan’s character and made us grow closer!
Ryan’s Go To Outfit Is: Black on black on black. Lol just kidding. She probably said that for my favorite outfit (she hates all black). Her favorite outfit is the black overall dress and striped shirt she wore when we were in Paris or her Life is Good shirt!
One of My Little’s Talents Is: Being super flexible and an amazing dancer! Both are very annoying when she shows me up at Greek Get Down and Sisterhood Yoga. She definitely did not inherit those skills from me!
Name: Ryan Coffman Big: Ava Gates How We Met: We met on Philanthropy Day and were later Bid Day Buddies. After hanging out on Bid Day, I never considered anyone else for my big! My Favorite Personality Trait About Ava Is: Her honesty A Reality TV Show Ava Would Be On: The Bachelorette (she always gets asked on accidental dates) She Could Spend All Her Money On: Thrift Shopping at Buffalo Exchange One of My Favorite Memories Together Is: Getting to spend Spring Break in France Ava’s Go To Outfit Is: Anything black on black My Big Would Be Voted “Most Likely To…”: Survive on a deserted island

Name: Noelle Henry
Little: Darby Buck
How We Met: I met Darby on Bid Day and I just instantly knew! I was like “okay, this girl is totally awesome!” and we ended up hanging out again and again until we both just knew that we were destined to be a big-little duo.
My Favorite Personality Trait About Darby Is: Her ability to make any bad situation light! She is so fun and easy-going that no matter how stressed, tired or down I am she manages to make me laugh and feel better!
If Darby Was a Movie Character She Would Be: Kristen Wiig in Bridesmaids
She Could Spend All Her Money On: Exploring the city
My Favorite Activity To Do Together Is: Having a girls night or trying something new in Austin
If Darby Wasn’t Her Intended Career She Would Be: A personal manager! She is so good at planning things, like dinner and girls’ nights, and always makes me feel less stressed!
One of My Little’s Talents Is: looking effortlessly flawless all the time!
Name: Darby Buck
Big: Noelle Henry
How We Met: We met during the pool party at the house after Bid Day! We instantly got along and really connected!
My Favorite Personality Trait About My Big Is: Her energy and adventurous nature
If Noelle Was a TV Character She Would Be: Snooki from Jersey Shore
She Could Spend All Day: Reading horoscopes
My Favorite Activity To Do Together Is: A girls night
A Phrase My Big Says A Lot Is: “Rip to me.”
Something That Makes Me Proud About Noelle: This summer not only was Noelle working at her job but was also killing it at her internship!