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Meet the Exec: Recruitment VP

Getting to Know You

Name and PC: Elaina Johnson, PC' 16 Major: arts and entertainment technologies with an interest in pursuing law Hometown: Montgomery, Texas My PNM Advice is: It is so easy to get stressed during the recruitment process because you’ll be choosing a sisterhood for the rest of your life, but just take a deep breath. Focus on how exciting it is that you are about to find some of your best friends! The best way to do recruitment is to be yourself instead of what you think a PNM should be. All of our sisters are unique, so don’t hesitate to let your individualism shine! A Must Have in a PNM’s Recruitment Bag is:  A mini umbrella! Texas weather is so unpredictable and it’s always better to be prepared. One of My Favorite Songs to Sing Live is: Simple Man by Lynyrd Skynyrd. I love the message the song sends about enjoying the small things in life.

My Favorite Music Genre is: Rock n’ roll! You can’t find that extra “umph” anywhere else. Three Things that Make My Day are: Living in Xi House and getting to start my day by saying good morning to my best friends, looking at the UT Tower on the way to class, and tanning by our pool at the house all in the same day. Those days make me realize how lucky I am to be part of such a loving sisterhood and to go to such an amazing university!

Something That I’m Proud of is: My grandmother is also an Alpha Xi! I’m so proud that I get to share that special relationship with her, and she also loves that she gets to be sisters with my friends! A TV Show I Could Live In is: Games of Thrones. I could totally be a Khaleesi.

My College Advice is: Get out of your comfort zone! Talk to the girl next to you in class. Make new friends. Go to that food truck you normally wouldn’t visit. Explore all the fun things Austin has to offer.

Something I’m Addicted to is: The Office! Who doesn’t love Jim and Pam?

If I Could Describe Alpha Xi Women in One Word: Genuine. I’ve found friends who will be in my life forever, girls who will stick by my side through anything and sisters who will be there for every milestone.

What I’m Most Excited for Alpha Xi in 2018: Is it cheesy for the recruitment VP to say recruitment? I am so excited to welcome all of the PNMs to UT and to show them what Alpha Xi is all about! Q&A from Membership VP Why did you decide to go Greek?

Growing up, I always thought about becoming an Alpha Xi because of my grandmother, but when the time came to go to UT, I wasn’t so sure about going through recruitment. It can seem so intimidating! However, I’m so glad I went through with it because walking through the doors of Alpha Xi on the first day, I knew I was home. I immediately felt at peace and knew right then and there that I wanted to be part of this sisterhood.  

Why Alpha Xi? I think Alpha Xi girls have something extra special about them. They have an “X” factor… or I guess maybe a “Xi” factor! They are smart, driven and gorgeous both inside and out. These girls are women who you not only look up to, but who also help you become your best self. That was easy to see right away during recruitment. To this day, having that “X” factor is a quality that I am so proud my sisters have, and I can’t wait to meet the PNM’s who will continue that legacy.

What’s one of your favorite memories from becoming an Alpha Xi? Going to UT football games! During my first football game, I was with my soon-to-be best friend/roommate. I think in that moment, it finally sank in that I was in college, having the time of my life and surrounded by an amazing group of people.

Why did you become an exec member? I am a leader. I always have been and always will be. Being on exec gives me the privilege of guiding our chapter through recruitment. I think I can motivate people and keep things fun, while also helping us get a lot of work done. I am so confident that will pay off for recruitment! I can’t wait for our chapter to share our hard work and our sisterhood. What are you excited to work on as Recruitment VP? I love mushing! Not only does it look cool but it also shows the whole chapter working together to make something happen. Everyone has to do their part to make the door chant go off without a hitch. It’s symbolic of sisterhood. Whether it’s the door chant or recruitment as a whole, we are working together toward a common goal, which is a really rewarding experience.

What are three things you wished you knew as a PNM?

  1. West Campus is smaller than you think! At first it seems scary to figure out where all the houses are but it’s easy to get the hang of. The recruitment counselors are there to help you and they know the area like the backs of their hands. I promise it is possible to get everywhere that you need to be!

  2. You will make friends with girls in your recruitment group! Some of these friends may end up in different houses but you’ll get so close during the process. I was so worried I wouldn’t find friends in my recruitment group, but to this day I’ve stayed friends with many of them. That is what is so great about UPC and Greek Life- you gain not only sisters but a ton of friends in other sororities too.

  3. Enjoy recruitment! I would give anything to be able to do this all again just so I could have more time with my sisters. Take it all in. Before you know it, it’ll be two years from now and you could be the recruitment VP, wondering where the time has gone and looking back at her time in the chapter.

What’s a conversation tip you have for PNMs?

Say something memorable! With so many houses to visit, it can feel like you’re having the same conversations with everyone. If you make your time with the chapter interesting and positive, you will stand out and make an amazing impression!

Any other advice?

Be an Alpha Xi ;)

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