Exec Exclusive: Clare Crotty

Hi guys! My name’s Clare Crotty, and I’m the Communications Vice President of Alpha Xi here at UT. It's probably a big surprise that as Communications VP I'm in charge of our chapter's communication. What that really means is that I oversee all our social media accounts (check out our Insta, Tumblr, Facebook, Twitter, and obviously this blog). I also handle all of the communication between our alumnae, parents, and the UT campus. I have a team of 4 other sisters who help run this blog, post on all our accounts, interact with alums, and take pictures at all of our events. In addition to that, I plan our Founders' Day and Alumnae Weekend celebration which happen every Spring and Fall. They are both really fun afternoons where all of our active sisters and alums get to mingle and swap stories. As Comm VP I’m also in charge of Alum Aunts, a program within our chapter that pairs active members with an alumnae in their field of interest. It’s a great way for our sisters to form connections in the business world and also to build a bond between older and newer sisters.
I spend most of my free time just hanging out with sisters in the Alpha Xi House. This year Viv Martinez and I were voted “Best Roommates,” so you can always find people hanging out in our room. One of my favorite things is coming home from a long day of school and work to 5 sisters laying around in my room, ready to hang out. When I’m not lounging in my room or lying on the chapter room couch (it’s the comfiest ever, y’all have got to try it), I’m usually running. I run marathons (for fun!!) so I spend a lot of time looking for cool new places to run. My goal is to race in the Boston Marathon and to complete a marathon in all 50 states!
Alpha Xi here at UT has given me the best possible home away from home. I’m from Chicago and moved to Texas knowing no one. I walked into the Xi House as my very first house on the first day of Recruitment my freshman year, and I immediately knew it was my home. These girls are the kindest, funniest, and most genuine sisters I could ask for, and I’m so excited to have a part in leading this chapter for the rest of the year!
PC '15