Alpha Xi Bid Day 2017

Hello Baby Xis!!! I’m Taylor Malatek, and I serve Alpha Xi Delta as the Education Vice President. I am basically the link between the new members and the rest of the chapter. My position’s nickname is “mom” because it’s my job to teach you the ins and outs of being a sorority woman, namely an Alpha Xi.
I joined Alpha Xi as a sophomore in PC ’15. The Education VP when I was a new member was such a role model for me and became my first friend in the chapter outside of my pledge class. And now I am so excited to return the favor to a whole new pledge class of Baby Xis!
Today is Bid Day, and I am so happy for you to begin your journey as a sorority woman. It may seem a little daunting to join a big organization right before school starts, but it is going to be such a blast! Here are just a few of the fun things you have to look forward to:
On Bid Day, each new member has a “buddy” to guide her through the day. Between taking pictures, all of our fun activities and meeting new girls, it’s easy to feel a little lost, and it is your buddy’s job is to make sure you feel welcome in the chapter. She could even be your potential new big! I will also lead some group activities to help everyone in the pledge class get to know each other.
During the new member program in the first 6-8 weeks of the semester, I will host weekly meetings for the new members in addition to chapter meetings. These meetings involve weekly news updates, UT traditions, and pieces of our sorority’s history. My team helps lead these meetings, with different emphases on sisterhood, academics and leadership. I couldn’t make this program work without them!
One of the most fun events of the semester is the new member retreat, which gives you a chance to hang out with your new pledge sisters and the Education team. Every year this involves fun outdoor activities and LOTS of bonding.

My favorite part of my job as Education VP (and what will probably be your favorite part of being a Baby Xi) is Big & Little matching. Each of you will be paired with a sister from an older pledge class who is like your best friend, big sister and mentor all rolled into one. To make sure you find the right Big for you, we have socials with the new member pledge class and the other classes to help each new member find and get to know their potential Big.
PC ’17, I can’t wait to meet you! I’ve been preparing myself all summer for all the new faces of Alpha Xi and how my team and I can make sure each of you has a perfect first semester as a college student and sorority woman. Get excited for some of the best years of your life!
PC ‘15