I Light It Up Blue For...
In April, Alpha Xi Delta joins others around the globe celebrating World Autism Month. We light our house blue, table to raise awareness, host philanthropy events, volunteer, and most importantly recognize the wonderful individuals in our lives who have Autism. From the places where we work, go to school and volunteer to at home with our families and friends, there are so many individuals in our lives who we light it up blue for! Keep reading below to hear about some of the few we celebrate and why!

“I light it up blue for all the kids I work with while shadowing behavior analysts. These kids are extremely intelligent! They teach me so many different ways to see the world every day.” -Vanessa Stewart PC' 15 “I light it up for all of the awesome kiddos I have met while volunteering at the William's School.” -Ava Gates PC’15 “I light it up blue for my cousins Rylan and Josh because they are the sweetest kids.” -Kayla Farrell PC’15

“I light it up blue for all the kids I’ve met at the William's School during our Easter Egg Hunt. Getting to play with the kids while also getting a fair share of hugs and high fives made my day! Growing up, I remember being so excited about events like this at school, and it was so cool to see the same looks of excitement on these kids’ faces! It was such an awesome moment of kids just being kids and I’m glad our chapter was able to be part of that.” -Yumna Khan PC' 16 “I light it up blue for Jalen because he taught me to love and accept everyone for who they are!” -Marissa Cole PC’ 17

“I light it up blue for Daniel because he has shown me how to be caring, patient, outgoing, inspiring and most importantly how to love unconditionally.” -Jan Wilson PC’ 17 “I light it up blue for Orin Cantwell, the kids in Hannah Fipp’s lab, Kathy Dwight’s niece and for all our families, friends and sisters who know individuals with Autism! In July, I attended National Convention which included celebrating our national philanthropy, Autism Speaks. We watched a video that included clips from the Autism Speaks Walk, chapter volunteer events and stories from our sisters who are directly impacted by Autism on a daily basis. It was unbelievably moving to see how great of an impact our national sorority has on Autism Speaks. I love April and the unity it brings our chapter with all the others across the country!” -Clare Crotty PC’15