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Formal Recruitment: Sisterhood

Hi, I'm Danielle and I am the Sisterhood Day Chair. I'm originally from Ukraine but now live in Arlington, Texas.

On Sisterhood Day our goal is to give you a snapshot of what it's like to be in our sisterhood and how close we are as a chapter, and give you a chance to get to know a little about each of us. We are beginning the day with a video that features some of the best moments of our sisterhood, followed by a "speed dating" activity. This exercise will give you the chance to have a fun, quick conversation with several different members, and will help all of us get to know each other better!

With so many girls in a chapter, it seems like it could be a little difficult to get to know all of your sisters, but Alpha Xi makes it easy through sisterhood events. We have a sisterhood event each week at the house, ranging from yoga to watching a movie to painting pumpkins! We also have chapter retreats, such as rock climbing or paddle boarding at Barton Springs. Events like these make it easy to bond with every sister - and try your hand at some of the fun Austin has to offer, too!

I was really excited to plan Sisterhood Day because our sisterhood is the foundation of the sorority. Alpha Xi is so much more than a house full of girls - you definitely feel like you are in a family. I met my best friend on Bid Day last year and couldn't imagine doing college or life without her. She is my rock and more of a sister than I could ever ask for. Lifelong friendships like these are so easy to make an Alpha Xi. I became so close to more girls than I could ever even imagine.



PC '16

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