Miss Quill: Megan Callahan
Our second Miss Quill of the year is Megan Callahan of PC’ 16 ! Megan is a sophomore biochemistry major from Richmond, Texas. Keep reading below to get to know Alpha Xi’s newest queen and find out what other royal title our Miss Quill might be preparing for…

Favorite Memory in Alpha Xi so far: You might be surprised by this, but random nights hanging out with my best friends here at the house are some of my favorite moments!
Fun Fact: I have 208 bones. I have an extra bone in each of my hips!
Two Truths and a Lie: I’ve had braces 4 times. I’ve never broken a bone. I’m addicted to coffee.
…The lie was the braces. I’ve only had them 3 times. (Still wouldn’t recommend the extra two times though.)
If You Could Live in any Movie: Clueless! It’s my favorite movie and I always envy Cher and her amazing wardrobe! #UghAsIf

If You Could Only Listen to Three Artists or Bands: I’m a HUGE music fan so this is a hard one. My top three are Lana Del Rey, COIN and Bishop Briggs. (P.S. follow Megan on Twitter @callameg to keep up with her latest and greatest favorite songs and artists.)

Favorite Concert: Bishop Briggs. Even though it started pouring during the set, it was still the most fun concert I’ve ever been to!

You are Most Likely to become Famous for: I would go viral as an internet meme.
Favorite Internet Meme: You Know I Had to Do It to Em’

My Go-To Dance Move is: Dabbing (I know it’s yikes. I’m sorry.) Something on my Bucket List is: I would LOVE to be a Disney Princess. It’s something I’m working to achieve right now. Stay tuned!

You are Most Excited in 2018 for: Turning my dreams into reality. I look forward to working hard and seeing it all pay off!

I Would Spend All my Time at: Disney World, where else?!
Last question, “If you could convince everyone in the world to do one thing at one point in time, what would that thing be?”: Rush Texas Alpha Xi obviously!!!