Alpha Xis Overseas: Alaina Graham

As an out of state student at The University of Texas at Austin, I am familiar with the thrills and trials of traveling to an unknown place, and a Maymester in Barcelona sounded like another perfect adventure. After looking forward to my visit for months, I am now two weeks into my stay in Spain, and I could not be happier to call this beautiful city home.
To a Public Health major it is always very interesting to travel to a new country and see how their society and health differ from that of the United States. While here, I am studying Global Health in Engineering alongside UT students, learning about and analyzing health at a global level through many perspectives. No time is wasted in the classroom with new and perplexing ideas constantly being thrown my way. However, with the ocean right outside my classroom, I can’t complain.
Embracing the Spanish culture and gaining a new perspective has been refreshing. From tapas to Gaudi’s work and everything in between, Barcelona has introduced me to something new each day.
I am so blessed to have had the opportunity to visit and spend time with fellow Xisters who are also abroad. It is so comforting to know that our sisterhood goes far beyond Texas borders. I cannot wait to exchange summer exploration tales when we all return home to Austin in the Fall.
Hasta Luego,
PC ’15