"What It's Like to be a Twin" by Makenzie Kulhanek
Hi! My name is Makenzie Kulhanek, or as I like to note, the first Kulhanek.

At the end of recruitment last year, I knew I was going to end up with several hundred more sisters- people to cry to, laugh with, and to love without bounds. However, nothing made me happier than realizing one of my new sisters through Alpha Xi had already been my sister for 18 years.
Payton and I obviously have a lifetime of memories together, but I will always hold in my heart the special feeling of going through this journey with her. I remember being so grateful that she also chose to be an Alpha Xi with me when we were both getting ready to go tailgating for the first football game with our new sisters. She helped me pick out the perfect burnt orange dress and boots, helped me carefully apply my Alpha Xi flash tat, and told me where to wear my “Alpha Xi Loves the Horns” button. It was comforting having her there to walk with me to the house to meet everyone before our first official Longhorn Saturday as students. From being initiated together, to picking each other’s outfits for mixers and date events, to her always helping me with my makeup before formals, I am so glad to have her here with me. She was my sister by fate first, and then she became my sister again by choice, and I am so glad.
Love you, Pay.
PC ‘16